
Sensei Wa Erai! →2008

Time for another review - da-hsj

In fact I have to say, I laughed like 300 times watching Sensei Wa Erai. It's also a very sweet drama. I think it's a chibi thing for Hey! Say! JUMP. Yuri, Yuto and Daiki get a lot of attention in this short filmed show more than Yamada and honestly that makes me happy. (Don't get me wrong, I love Yamada!) It's just Yamada got a lot of attention in other dramas. But I like the way the characters were in this.

It's about a Sensei Uzaken. He is not a bad teacher but nor a good one. Souta, played by Yuto Nakajima, tells his ex-friend Gonjou that his teacher is so wonderful and lies. After realizing that he lied and now has to actually change the teacher he gets help from his friends Wata, played by Chinen Yuri and Takekura, played by Daiki Arioka. In a twist of tragic events their teacher gets sick. 

Now, now, I don't want to spoil anything so I'm just going to say, WOW, this was not what I expected. But there are also funny parts. Like Souta and his Shibuya obsession:

credit to 93059 on tumblr

Or him trying to act cool at Shibuya with his brother's clothing. LMAO:

Wata's like...'???' 

Another drama, Scrap Teacher was filmed the same time as Sensei Wa Erai starring the same people. If you're a HSJ fan there's a 101% chance you've seen it. Or if you like SexyZone. To see the review click the heart→  One thing that made me so annoyed in the movie was Gonjou was a bit snobby! But as usual he was kawaii...so I guess that makes everything okay. Since this is one of the first j-dramas I ever watched (2nd to be exact) I would recommend this. Especially if you love Dork Lord, Chii, Penguin and Mountain-chan.

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